December 3, 2009

Book Review #2 - Into the Path of Gods

Into the Path of Gods - Kathleen Cunningham Guler
(Link to Into the Path of Gods)

***** (5-star)

 When I first recieved my copy of this book (courtesy of the LibraryThing Member Giveaway Program), I wasn't necessarily looking forward to reading it.  It was the beginning of finals week at school and I assumed that I might get around to it eventually.  By the time I finished reading the first page, I realized that I was quite wrong.  I was unable to put this book down.  It is well-paced, features engaging characters and a fascinating plot full of twists and turns, and draws the reader in to the timeframe.

The books shapes up to be an alternative take on the events surrounding the King Arthur/Merlin saga, following the lives of a powerful heroine with the gift of visions from the gods and a Prince who spends most of his time as a spy, fighting for the freedom of Britain.  Their story, while very interesting in the King Arthur context, is well worth reading in its own right.

From the author's attempts to adhere as much as possible to names and words that would have actually been used in fifth-century Wales.  One of the features that I've enjoyed ever since reading James Michener's 'Poland' is a pronunciation guide.  Names such as Cunedda (Coo-neth-ah), Gwynedd (Gwih-neth), or Marcus ap Iorwerth (Yor-worth) would by horribly mangled by any modern reader not familiar with a Celtic language, but add a very Celtic feel to the whole book once you are pronouncing them in your head.

This book is absolutely worth the read, and I don't shy away from predicting that the other three books of the Macsen's Treasure Series are as well-written and as worthwhile as this.  Five stars, and especially recommended for fans of the King Arthur story and of early British history.

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